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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

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      What are causes of Liver Cirrhosis? | Dr. Bipin Vibhute
      • Upper Basement Sahyadri Multispeciality
        Hospital, Karve Road,Deccan Gymkhana, Pune-04
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      Causes of Liver Cirrhosis

      by | Oct 29, 2020 | Blog, Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Cirrhosis Blog

      Liver cirrhosis can prove to be a life-threatening disease in some cases as it a non-reversible process. Liver Cirrhosis can be caused by numerous factors; in some cases, the presence of multiple factors has been identified in a single individual. Globally it has been observed, that 57% of cirrhosis is attributed to either hepatitis C (27%) or hepatitis B (30%). Consumption of alcohol is another major cause of liver cirrhosis amounting to 20%. (As per Wikipedia)

      • Alcoholic Liver Disease:

      Alcoholic liver cirrhosis is usually diagnosed in 10 – 20 % of people who have been consuming alcohol heavily for a decade or so. Alcohol injures the liver and blocks the normal metabolism of fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Acetaldehyde is formed on consumption which injures the liver. Acetaldehyde is extremely reactive and also leads to the accumulation of other reactive products in the liver. Patients may also show signs of alcoholic hepatitis with fever, jaundice, hepatomegaly, and anorexia.


      • Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH):

      It is a condition in which fat builds ups in the liver, causing tissue scarring. IT is associate with obese people (40%), diabetes, coronary artery diseases. The disease has similar symptoms to that of alcoholic liver diseases but has no history of alcohol consumption.

      • Chronic Hepatitis C:

      Inflammation and damage to the liver are commonly caused by the hepatitis C virus. Around 20-30% of chronic hepatitis c patients develop liver cirrhosis.

      • Chronic Hepatitis B:

      The hepatitis B virus causes injury and inflammation over the decades leading to cirrhosis

      Primary Biliary Cholangitis:

      It is also known as primary biliary cirrhosis. The bile duct is damaged by the autoimmune process which leads to secondary liver damage. The patient is usually asymptomatic and prominent alkaline phosphatase which is elevated as well as elevation of bilirubin and cholesterol.

      Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis:

      Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis is a progressive cholestatic disorder presenting with pruritus, fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, steatorrhea. It is an association with ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.

       Autoimmune Hepatitis:

      It is caused by the attack on the liver by the lymphocytes, which causes inflammation, scarring and eventually cirrhosis.

      Hereditary Hemochromatosis:

      It is usually found in people having a family history of cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and skin hyperpigmentation due to iron build-up.

      Wilsons Disease:

      Autosomal recessive disorder characterized by low serum ceruloplasmin and elevated hepatic copper content in liver biopsy and increased 24-hour urine copper.

      Indian Childhood Cirrhosis:

      It is neonatal cholestasis caused by deposition of copper in the liver.

      Cardiac Cirrhosis:

      It is caused by right-side heart side heart failure, leading to congestion of the liver.

      All the above are the various reasons that can cause liver cirrhosis in an individual. Thus one must avoid all the possible reasons causing them.

      Written By

      Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      Liver and Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon,

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