How can jaundice be treated during pregnancy

Jaundice is a condition that occurs in people as a symptom of other issues and is visible via a yellowing in their body. To be specific, this yellow discoloration happens in the body’s skin, eyes and comes out in urine too. And the effects of jaundice types are visible in various adults and children.
In fact, this condition is visible in the pregnant ladies as well, and there are many reasons for it. While the condition is rare in pregnancies, affecting around 3 to 10% of patients, the consequences of it are not good. Nevertheless, there are ways to deduce and then treat these medical issues. But first, it is crucial to get a doctor’s recommendation and understand what the causes are.
Why does it occur?
Truly, jaundice symptoms and treatment are very intricately related. This is because knowing what causes the symptoms determine which treatment plan would work. And in the case of pregnancy-related jaundice cases, there are certain specific pre-existing medical conditions that result in such.
Some of the common causes are mentioned below:
- Acute fatty liver- When there is an excess amount of fat deposits in the liver, this condition occurs.
- Pre-eclampsia- This ailment is visible in some women who have very high blood pressure. Owing to that, they also have protein secretion in their urine, and complications in delivery occur.
- Intrahepatic cholestasis –When the bile cannot flow properly, the patient experiences itching and some other symptoms of jaundice.
- HELLP Syndrome- This is a more advanced version of pre-eclampsia and the results are life-threatening. Taking a jaundice test and getting on a treatment plan sooner is crucial.
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum- This is a condition that affects the soon-to-be mother, and the symptoms involve severe nausea and vomiting. Other major signs of this disease are an imbalance in the electrolyte levels and weight loss.
Some other conditions that are not linked with pregnancy can cause jaundice in pregnant women. These include gallstones inside the bile duct, acute viral hepatitis (A and B types are most common), chronic liver disease, and drug-induced toxicity.
What are the treatment methods?
In order to treat jaundice during pregnancy, there are several other factors that doctors focus on. These include understanding what the cause itself is. Owing to this, the OB-GYN doctor can prescribe what further steps to take to show signs of recovery from jaundice and what caused it.
1. General Practices
Depending on how serious the condition is, doctors would prescribe some basic treatment plans. These include continuous monitoring of the symptoms that appear. One way to do so is through the urine samples of the patient and noticing the coloring of it. This requires constant checking, especially while following other supplementary treatment plans. Taking proper rest and drinking lots of water are other general suggestions that the doctor would provide. Notably, this plan focuses on jaundice treatment at home, and self-control and self-monitoring are crucial. Some herbal medicines also help make the process more suitable.
2. Diet
When trying to cure jaundice, focusing on the diet does work well in the matter of protection. After all, a properly balanced diet makes the body stronger and also assists the immune system to work properly. Therefore, viral or bacterial infections that can cause jaundice cannot affect the patient negatively.
It is very important to focus on the food products itself, as some have different effects on the liver. There are particular recommendations for a jaundice diet that you need to focus on, as per the direction of the doctor. Also, some food groups are essential for the pregnancy like certain vegetables and fruits. Yet, it is important to take the doctor’s advice in this regard, as some fruits and vegetables do not pair well with pregnant women.
Furthermore, you should include food that has unsaturated fat in them, and avoid canned food with preservatives. You should maintain your sodium intake and also add food products like brown rice, and oatmeal. Indeed, protein is an important food group to focus on, and adding lean meat is fitting.
Also, if you have a condition like viral hepatitis, the regular food plans can continue, but add doctor-recommended medicines and supplements. With the right diet plan, treating jaundice becomes easier and the condition of the liver improves. In fact, this method works as a prevention of jaundice too, as good food intake improves liver health too.
3. Hospital care
Another treatment for female patients who are pregnant and showing symptoms of jaundice is hospitalization. This is best for those who are showing more severe signs and are at the later trimesters too. However, the doctor decides on the treatment procedure, and what medications are suitable depending on the vitals.
Also, in most cases, nutrition supplements are provided intravenously if the fetus is not receiving enough nutrition by normal means. Moreover, hospital care looks into the urinary symptoms and blood pressure regularly. In case of emergencies, blood components and supplement oxygen are also given, especially in critical cases.
4. Home treatment
In the matter of curing jaundice in pregnant women, there are certain jaundice treatment home remedies that would work. These include specific recipes that would aid in the recovery alongside other treatment plans. One of them involves fenugreek tea, which you should drink at least two or three times per day.
Another helpful method is to drink a glass of tomato juice every morning before eating anything else. Also, adding a pinch of pepper and salt in this drink makes the effect better. Furthermore, using types of Ayurvedic and herbal medicine also works in this regard. However, how well the home-made recipes work in curing jaundice is not medically tested.
5. Laparoscopic surgery
In case the pregnant woman is suffering from biliary atresia, treatment is done through surgery. The main type of surgery that is useful in this case is laparoscopic surgery, by which the doctors repair the blockage at the bile ducts. This is an option in serious conditions, and the doctor assesses the mother’s condition and the baby’s thoroughly beforehand. It also prevents jaundice in children from appearing later.
6. Vaccinations
If the mother is suffering from types of viral hepatitis, the doctor would focus on safely medicating against that. Out of the main reasons for jaundice in pregnant women, this is the most common indirect cause. Aside from Type-A hepatitis and Type-B hepatitis, there is also the possibility of Type-C to occur.
In such cases, there are certain interferons, vaccines, and antivirals that work to treat this condition safely. However, Type-E hepatitis does not work well with said treatments and is the most life-threatening circumstance for jaundice types.
7. Specific treatments
In case the mother suffers from anemia, normal treatment plans would not work as effectively. In such a position focusing on the specific causes of said condition is important. However, this situation is very serious in cases of hemolytic anemia, and following the doctor’s recommendations properly will help. Also, there are some forms of Ayurvedic medicine that would work in this respect as well.
Overall, with the correct treatment plans and proper handling of each step, improvement is possible. There are some home Ayurved treatment for jaundice that would help, aside from the more intensive routes. However, it is important to note that jaundice is a symptom of other medical problems, and curing them is more important. Thus, proper diagnosis plays a significant role in showing if the treatment would work effectively or not. Maintaining proper health and getting regular checkups is very important to treat jaundice during pregnancy.
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