Dr.Bipin Vibhute

Whipple Surgery
Whipple surgery comes handy when an individual gets diagnosed with pancreatic tumors or other disorders occurring in the pancreas…

Pancreatic Surgery
Pancreatic surgery is required when someone has problems with their pancreas such as pancreatic cancer or the pancreatitis. Often overlooked,

G I Surgery
Gastrointestinal surgery (GI) is a treatment that aims to eradicate the diseases breeding in all the integral parts of our digestive system like esophagus…

Liver Re-section Surgery
Liver re-section is also known as a partial hepatectomy or a full hepatectomy in which a portion or full liver is removed. It is a surgical process…

HPB Surgery
HPB surgery which caters to the benign and malignant diseases that breed in one’s liver, pancreas and biliary tree. A bilary tree consists of the…

Bile Duct Cancer Surgery
Uncontrolled growth of the cells in the body causes cancer and this cancer formed in the bile-ducts is called cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer.