Liver Failure – It’s Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Hepatic failure, is a life-threatening medical illness. The liver is an essential organ in our body that performs various duties like filtering alcohol and other hazardous compounds from the blood, combating infections, and genetics. You and your body can suffer...
Hepatitis C has infected you. It does not necessarily imply that you are or will become ill. Nonetheless, the news of the diagnosis comes as a shock. A slew of questions whirls about in your mind. Why am I here? I’m not sure how I got this virus. Is it possible...
लिव्हर फायब्रोसिस
जेव्हा लिव्हर शरीरातील विष किंवा इतर हानिकारक पदार्थ काढून टाकण्यासाठी कठोर परिश्रम करतो किंवा खराब झालेल्या पेशींना बरे करतो तेव्हा जळजळ वाटू लागते. खराब झालेले लिव्हर पेशी आणि रोगप्रतिकारक पेशी विशिष्ट पेशी दुरुस्तीसाठी सिग्नल पाठवतात जे इजाच्या ठिकाणी स्थलांतरित...
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