निम्बू पानी लीवर के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है ? Lemon Water Immunity Booster | Dr. Bipin Vibhute

One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C, which is 51% of the reference daily intake.
Lemon is a type of citrus fruit and the fruit, juice, and peel are used to make various medicine. Lemons are a high source of vitamin C and by now we all know that vitamin C helps boosts immunity.
Vitamin C present in lemons is also known to benefit heart health, weight control, and digestive health. It is also extremely beneficial to consume lime for morning sickness and a glowing, youthful skin.
1. How lemon water helps in weight loss:
Lemons are often promoted as a weight-loss food, and there are a few theories as to why this is.
One common theory is that the soluble pectin fiber in them expands in your stomach, helping you feel full for longer. Which also reduces the chances of fatty liver, which can also result in cirrhosis
2. Reduces risk of heart disease & stroke:
Consumption of Vitamin C (lemon) reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke. Lemon contains antioxidants called bioflavonoids. Researchers think these bioflavonoids are responsible for the health benefits of lemon.
3. Prevents Kidney Stones:
The citric acid present in the lemon may help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and pH, creating a less favourable environment for kidney stone formation.
4. Lemon water for good digestion:
The main fiber in lemons is pectin, a form of soluble fibre linked to multiple health benefits.
Soluble fiber can improve gut health and slow the digestion of sugars and starches. Lemon’s acidity wakes up nerves in digestive system and liver to encourage good digestion, & optimal bowel movements.
5. Benefits of Lemon in Liver Health:
a. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and protect liver from oxidative damage.
b. Lemon enhances enzyme function, stimulating your liver and activating bile flow, which helps emulsify and flush out fat-soluble toxins. Lemon is a very interesting fruit because of its digestive properties, as a liver tonic.
c. It has many health benefits for people with liver damage, such as fatty liver or cirrhosis, as it contains different principles that tone and stimulate the liver in its detoxification functions.
d. It is also found that the citrus flavonoids in lemon may protect the liver against toxins and reduce fat in the liver, protecting against fatty liver disease.” Your liver is the body’s natural mechanism for flushing out toxins; helping the liver to work better could benefit your body.
e. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of insulin resistance and triggers inflammation. Both conditions are major risk factors for fatty liver disease. One way to protect this vital organ is to remove sugary foods and beverages from your diet.
f. Lemon juice protects against alcohol-induced liver damage. Lemon juice could reduce or even reverse the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on the liver. Lemon juice could prevent and treat liver damage from excessive alcohol consumption, according to a recent study.
Lemon fruit is rich in flavonoids with potent antioxidant properties, mainly in hesperidin and rutin. These antioxidants play an important role in preventing the damage that free radicals cause to cells, blood vessels and the liver.
While drinking lemon water one can cut the sharpness of the lemon try putting a pinch of chili powder and cinnamon powder to it and then drink it.
00:00 Intro
1:37 Nutrients in 1 peeled lemon
2:02 When and how to eat lemon
3:32 sugar in lemon water – good or bad?
5:12 Lemon – liver tonic
6:22 Other health benefits of lemon
7:21 Summary
You can watch our previous video: https://youtu.be/T__SUWrjRkc
The language used in this video is #Hindi.
#lemonwater #lemon #detoxwater #detox #healthylifestyle #lemonwaterdetox #lemonjuice #healthydrink #liverdetoxification #livercare
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About Dr.Bipin Vibhute and this channel:
Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile.
Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel.
The language used in this video is #Hindi.
Previous Video on SUPERFOOD for Better Liver Health: https://youtu.be/YAWqZxK0zgc
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About Dr.Bipin Vibhute and this channel: ______________________________________
Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile.
Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel.
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“I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis in March 2016 in Sangali City. I was absolutely shocked, as I never expected this to happen to that and me to this soon. We met Dr. Bipin B Vibhute and he answered all our queries and questions with absolute patience that we understood I need a transplant.”
“A broken marriage followed by self-pity made me a drunker. Excessive consumption of alcohol was the reason due to which my liver got damaged. The damage was so severe that a liver transplant was the only option if I wanted to live. I have been extremely fortunate to get three chances in life. I have been…”
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