4 Natural Ways to DETOX your Body ||आपके शरीर को डिटॉक्स करने के 4 प्राकृतिक तरीके- Dr Bipin Vibhute

In this video, Dr. Bipin Vibhute has spoken about ways to Detox your body.
Your body is miraculous. It helps you do everything from eating delicious foods and driving to work or walking around town. In the midst of all these activities, Your body produces waste called toxins too, It is of utmost importance to detox the body so that harmful toxins are released from the body.
Detoxification is an essential part of optimal health like-
• Reduce inflammation
• Purify your blood.
• Lose weight.
• Sleep better.
• Boost your circulation.
There are a few natural ways that help you to remove these toxins and detox your body.
1. Breathing- yoga helps you detox your body as it helps you to breathe more.
2. Sweating- Sweating through excises can help you to remove toxins.
3. Urine – More urine can help you to remove all the impurities of the body.
4. Stool Toilet – Toxins come with your stool.
You only get one body in this lifetime. Freeing it from harmful toxins and chemicals can give you many health benefits.
To know more in detail watch the whole video and detoxify your body in a natural way or call us at +91 – 9202247365 / +91 – 9209145678
You can watch our yoga video: https://youtu.be/iYwCPH_9wbk
Video on happy hormones – https://youtu.be/Sm9Ez7eLW6E
The language used in this video is #Hindi.
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About Dr.Bipin Vibhute and this channel:
Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile. Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel.
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“I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis in March 2016 in Sangali City. I was absolutely shocked, as I never expected this to happen to that and me to this soon. We met Dr. Bipin B Vibhute and he answered all our queries and questions with absolute patience that we understood I need a transplant.”
“A broken marriage followed by self-pity made me a drunker. Excessive consumption of alcohol was the reason due to which my liver got damaged. The damage was so severe that a liver transplant was the only option if I wanted to live. I have been extremely fortunate to get three chances in life. I have been…”
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