Liver Diseases
Dr.Bipin Vibhute

Fatty Liver
Fatty liver disease is a common condition which is closely related to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other disorders related to insulin imbalance. If you are a drinker…

When excess fat is stored in the liver from different sources excluding the alcohol, then it is called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Mostly buildup…

Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer occurs when harmful elements pass through this organ or the pre-existing cells transform into such harmful elements. There are two main…

Liver Failure
Liver failure is an extremely toxic condition and completely shatters the fitness of your liver. The most worrying part of this type of organ failure…

Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis of the liver is a complication that occurs through continuous damage to the liver. Every time the liver repair itself, the healthy liver cells….

Alcoholic Hepatitis
Alcoholic Hepatitis is a very common condition in the whole world because of the consumption of alcohol. It is a very serious condition…

With or without regular intake of alcohol, fat can get deposited in the liver and cause damage. This is NAFLD. When this fat increases, NAFLD turns…

Jaundice is not a disease but it is a symptom that indicates serious diseases and infections. When the dead RBCs (red blood cells) start breaking…