लसूण, तूप आणि हळदीचे फायदे: Liver Transplant Surgeon चा दृष्टिकोन
तुमचं आरोग्य जपण्याची सुरुवात स्वयंपाकघरातूनच होते! यकृत हे शरीरातील सर्वांत मेहनती अवयवांपैकी एक आहे, जे तुमच्या शरीराला ऊर्जा आणि आरोग्य देतं. याला जपण्यासाठी योग्य आहार अत्यंत महत्त्वाचा आहे. Liver Transplant नंतर, रुग्णांनी आहाराच्या बाबतीत विशेष काळजी घेणे...
Liver Damage Caused by Over-the-Counter Drugs: What To Keep In Mind
Many people use over-the-counter medications for headaches, muscle aches, and mild fevers because they are convenient. However, many studies have shown the negative effects that these medications may have at the back end, especially when it comes to the liver and...
Managing Liver Health In Diabetic Patients
Diabetes affects more than just blood sugar levels. It can also damage internal organs, especially the liver. Many diabetic patients are unaware of the link between diabetes and liver disease. This lack of knowledge often leads to complications over time. In this...
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