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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      जानीए क्या हेपेटाइटिस बी (Hepatitis B) जानलेवा हो सकता है? Dr. Bipin Vibhute
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      Can Hepatitis B be Life Threatening? क्या हेपेटाइटिस बी जानलेवा हो सकता है? Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      by | Feb 4, 2022 | Liver Transplant Videos, Videos

      1)What is Hepatitis B Infection?

      Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Having chronic hepatitis B increases your risk of developing liver failure, liver cancer, or cirrhosis — a condition that permanently scars the liver.
      2)How does it transmit?

      The hepatitis B virus is transmitted from a mother to child, sexual Contact, contaminated Needles, toothbrush, razors, Saliva, Seminal, Menstrual & Vaginal Fluid blood, semen, or other bodily fluid from an infected person enters the body of another person.

      3)when we should test Hepatitis B?
      At least once you should get tested for Hepatitis as its Rate of transmission is high. After Every 4-5 years you should go for a Hepatitis B test. If you have an infection of hepatitis C, HIV, CO-Infection with hepatitis B is quite common so you have to test compulsory. Do not neglect the Vaccine.

      4)What are tests to do for hepatitis B
      HBV surface antigen (HBsAg), Liver Function test, Liver Ultrasound, Fibroscan, Hepatitis E Antigen, HBV DNA PCR Test.

      5) When will you need to consult a doctor?
      When your HBs Ag is Positive and your liver is not damaged means LFT is Normal, Ultrasound is normal, Fibro scan is Normal, HBV DNA PCR is Negative, then you don’t need any treatment. If your immunity is low, then the chances of this virus may increase.
      If you are suffering from symptoms like jaundice, dark urine, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, Joint pain then you have to consult a Doctor.

      6) What precautions to take at the home, office, and during sexual contact

      8) What precautions should family members take?
      Know your family history, vaccination is highly recommended, one member of the household is found to be infected, all family members should be screened.

      9) It is dangerous than HIV
      Hepatitis B is not at all as serious an illness like HIV. Moreover, it can be controlled with medications more easily than HIV.

      10) Preventive Measures
      -Don’t share used razors
      -In Sexual Contacts, Use Condom.
      Risk of hepatitis B in India
      The average estimated carrier rate of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in India is 4%, with a total pool of approximately 36 million carriers. Wide variations in social, economic, and health factors in different regions may explain variations in carrier rates from one part of the country to another.

      11) Can they donate blood?
      If you’ve tested positive for hepatitis B, you can’t donate blood Even if you’ve never had any symptoms.

      12) Can you Get Married to Hepatitis B Positive Partner?
      You can Marry Hepatitis B Positive Partner, the rate of precautions is low. If your Hepatitis B antigen is negative then intake of vaccination is most important. After marriage, you should follow standard precautions.

      13) How to remove the taboo of hepatitis B
      We are in 2022 now and still, India is facing the issue of taboo about Hepatitis B. This superstation calms lives. We are facing this issue because we are lacking in awareness. We need to spread more awareness about hepatitis b and we need to stand strong against this taboo.

      14) Will you become free or negative from hepatitis B
      There’s no cure for hepatitis B. The good news is it usually goes away by itself in 4 to 8 weeks. More than 9 out of 10 adults who get hepatitis B totally recover. However, about 1 in 20 people who get hepatitis B as adults become “carriers,” which means they have a chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis B infection.

      15) Conclusion
      A vaccine can prevent hepatitis, but there’s no cure if you have medical conditions. If you’re infected, taking certain precautions can help prevent spreading the virus to others.

      You can watch our previous video:…
      The language used in this video is #Hindi.

      About Dr. Bipin Vibhute and this channel:
      Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile.

      Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel.


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      About Dr.Bipin Vibhute and this channel:

      Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile.

      Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel.


      The language used in this video is #Hindi.

      Previous Video on SUPERFOOD for Better Liver Health:

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      About Dr.Bipin Vibhute and this channel: ______________________________________

      Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile.

      Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel.

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      Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      Liver and Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon,

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