Foods That Damage The Liver: Worst Foods for Liver Function | Dr. Bipin Vibhute

What you eat plays a big role in maintaining liver health. Here are some worst foods that damages your liver and impacts it’s functioning.
Our Worst Foods That Damages Your Liver:
1. French Fries
a. Liver is responsible for breaking down fats
b. Processing overall fatty food can exhaust the liver.
c. It can result in fatty liver disease, build-up of fat in your liver cells
d. Avoid food high in saturated fats as it causes inflammation which further leads to tissue scarring.
2. Cheeseburger
a. It is also high in saturated fats – which can also increase chances of heart attack and stroke, and neither it is good for your liver.
3. Butter
a. Like most animal products and byproducts, dairy can exacerbate liver issues. Unfortunately, this includes butter.
b. So it is better to include ghee and how ghee can benefit your Liver – you can read our article – Benefits of cow ghee:…
4. Ricotta Cheese
a. Cheese, in general, is not good for your liver health and ricotta cheese puts a nail in the coffin.
b. It has the highest content of saturated fats amongst cheese.
5. Alcohol
a. Liver is responsible for filtering alcohol and it is said in a study that some liver cells die with each filtering of alcohol.
You can watch our video on – Effects of Alcohol on Liver:…
6. Whole Milk
a. Milk is again high in saturated fats but on the other hand, low-fat milk is high in whey protein which is crucial to avoid further damage to the liver
b. You may consider having it but in moderation
7. Ice Creams
a. Ice cream is high in sugar and saturated fats causing damage to your liver.
8. Canned Foods
a. Canned food is high in sodium content, which is ideally not good for your liver
b. processed and packaged soups, for example, could lead to fibrosis, which can result in liver scarring
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“I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis in March 2016 in Sangali City. I was absolutely shocked, as I never expected this to happen to that and me to this soon. We met Dr. Bipin B Vibhute and he answered all our queries and questions with absolute patience that we understood I need a transplant.”
“A broken marriage followed by self-pity made me a drunker. Excessive consumption of alcohol was the reason due to which my liver got damaged. The damage was so severe that a liver transplant was the only option if I wanted to live. I have been extremely fortunate to get three chances in life. I have been…”
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