World Liver Day | लिवर स्वस्थ रखने के लिए यह खाइये | SUPERFOOD Good For Your Liver

1. Blueberry:
• Blueberries one of the greatest superfoods.
• It contains antioxidants called anthocyanins they can regulate the growth of cancer-causing cells in the liver that is why it is called superfood for liver
2. Grapefruit:
• High in an antioxidant called naringenin and naringin
• Great at protecting cells and regulating inflammation
• Reduces risk of hepatic fibrosis
• Grapefruit is superfood for liver because, Naringin in grapefruit helps the liver in metabolizing alcohol, so it would be a great idea to have grapefruit before having alcohol.
• Grapefruit counters acts some of the alcohol damaging effects
• May also help in reducing the duration of a hangover
3. Coffee or Tea:
A. Coffee
• It is low in calorie and has various benefits if cream and sugar kept under check
• Partially turns back the tide in individual who suffered from liver diseases
• Coffee increases stored antioxidants, reduces inflammation and lowers liver cancer risk
B. Tea:
• Green or black tea both improve liver enzyme levels & reduces the effect of oxidation stress & deposits of harmful fats
4. Avocado:
• Good for storing energy and contains good fats
• It insulates against extreme temperature and protect vital organs
• Helps proteins do their job
•Avocado contains glutathione, vitamin C, E & K which protect the liver against the damage
• Vitamin E & K – prevents harmful inflammation
• Studies also show – that avocado extract is helpful in the treatment of viral hepatitis
• It also slows down the progress of general liver damage
5. Leafy Green Vegetables & beet Juice
• all green leafy vegetables can be called superfood for liver because they have chlorophyll to neutralize metals, chemicals and pesticides, that enter your body through food and the environment
• Spinach at good at increasing the production of bile juice & eliminating waste products
• Beet juice – purifies blood, it also contains nitrates & antioxidants called betalains.
• It reduces oxidative damage & inflammation and also benefits heart health.
6. Nuts:
• Contains unsaturated fats, it’s a superfood high in protein and antioxidants content
• Free from pesticides as are present in a shell
7. Beetroot Juice:
• Contains nitrates & antioxidants called betalains.
• It will reduce oxidative damage & inflammation & benefit heart health.
8. Grapes:
Red & Purple Grapes:
• Resveratrol grapes – has many health benefits
• IT Lowers inflammation, preventing damage, increasing antioxidant levels.
• Small studies in humans with NAFLD have shown liver functions can be improved with help of grapes fruit supplements after the consumption of 3 months.
• The grape seed extract is a concentrated form so consumption of whole grapes might not have the same amount of effect.
9. Turmeric & Garlic:
A. Turmeric:
• Contains curcumin which is a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound.
• Turmeric supports functions of the bile duct, boosting bile flow and thereby cleansing the liver.
• Curcumin helps detox metal compounds and prevents alcohol damage
• Turmeric is not recommended for people having gallstones, gallbladder diseases, or diabetes.
B. Garlic:
• It contains selenium and antioxidant & B6 a potential anti-inflammatory
• Garlic also features organon – which relaxes blood vessels, lowers the pressure on the liver & helps activates enzymes that flush toxins out.
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“I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis in March 2016 in Sangali City. I was absolutely shocked, as I never expected this to happen to that and me to this soon. We met Dr. Bipin B Vibhute and he answered all our queries and questions with absolute patience that we understood I need a transplant.”
“A broken marriage followed by self-pity made me a drunker. Excessive consumption of alcohol was the reason due to which my liver got damaged. The damage was so severe that a liver transplant was the only option if I wanted to live. I have been extremely fortunate to get three chances in life. I have been…”
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