What should I eat if I have Nash?
What should I eat if I have Nash? NASH is a liver condition in which excess liver fat leads to inflammation. This will result in the development of liver scarring that will further lead to cirrhosis and liver failure. Doctors advise slow weight loss and physical...
How does obesity lead to fatty liver disease?
How does obesity lead to fatty liver disease? Indeed, certain lifestyle choices have a major effect on your body, and that leads to further complications. One of the most common ones includes obesity, which results in many other medical conditions, like fatty liver...
How can jaundice be treated during pregnancy
How can jaundice be treated during pregnancy Jaundice is a condition that occurs in people as a symptom of other issues and is visible via a yellowing in their body. To be specific, this yellow discoloration happens in the body’s skin, eyes and comes out in...
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