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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      Living Liver Donor Myths and Realities
      • Upper Basement Sahyadri Multispeciality
        Hospital, Karve Road,Deccan Gymkhana, Pune-04
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      organ donation day

      Every year on November 27, India commemorates its organ donation day. The government encourages Indian citizens to donate their organs and save lives on this day. On the occasion of organ donation day, we will raise awareness about living liver donor myths and realities about it.

      1. Myth: I can only donate liver if I have a blood-relation.

      Reality: You don’t have to be related to someone by blood to receive a liver transplant from them.

      1. Myth: I can only be helped by those who have the same blood group as myself.

      Reality: A living liver donor must have a suitable blood type, although not necessarily the same blood type as the recipient. The recipient’s blood type determines which blood types are compatible. A liver from a blood group O donor can also be given to anyone.

      1. Myth: Donors must take medication for the rest of their life following donation.

      Reality: Medications are required for the first several weeks following donation surgery for living donors. This is a one-time requirement.

      1. Myth: After donating liver, donors have a constrained lifestyle.

      Reality: Donors enjoy a regular life after recovery, with no restrictions on their activities.

      1. Myth: After donating their liver, female donors are unable to bear children.

      Reality: Female donors can have healthy pregnancies post donation. But pregnancy should be postponed for at least a year after donation.

      1. Myth: Members of the transplant team may put pressure on someone to donate their organs.

      Reality: During the evaluation process, donors have the option to change their minds about donating at any time. If a donor chooses not to donate, they are not responsible for informing the receiver.

      1. Myth: Being a living liver donor is expensive

      Reality: The recipient’s insurance policy is responsible for donor evaluation, hospital care, and related follow-up care expenses.

      1. Myth: It costs a lot of money to donate your liver while you’re still alive.

      Reality: Expenses linked to the donor examination, hospitalization, and subsequent follow-up care are covered by the recipient’s insurance.

      1. Myth: The Donor Team will keep the recipient informed about the donor’s evaluation status.

      Reality: The reality is that the donor’s evaluation process is kept private. The recipient can only receive information from the donor. The Donor Team is not allowed to speak with the recipient directly.

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