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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      Magical Benefits of Eating Fennel Seeds - Dr. Bipin Vibhute
      • Upper Basement Sahyadri Multispeciality
        Hospital, Karve Road,Deccan Gymkhana, Pune-04
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      The history of fennel and other mouthwash is not certain, but Ayurveda, history, and Indian tradition definitely believe that they have absolutely magical benefits for your body’s health and digestion of food. In our Indian tradition, and our forefathers who follow it correctly, have considered many such things as medicine, which are very easily found in our house, just we do not see them as medicine and hence no longer are going away.

      Benefits of fennel seeds –

      1. Aids digestion – it triggers the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes which aids the process of digestion
      2. An Excellent Laxative – it relaxes muscles in the intestines, which can help relieve constipation. Soothing muscles in the stomach and intestines helps to relieve gassiness that’s from constipation or acid reflux. Anethole is the main component that gives fennel seeds these beneficial effects.

      An ample amount of dietary fiber present in saunf stimulates intestinal activity by increasing the secretions of bile and gastric juices and maintains the peristaltic movements thereby regulating the smooth functioning of the bowel.

      – It help reduce abdominal cramps, pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, gastrointestinal maladies

      1. Benefits Women health: it contains anethole and phytoestrogen, it regulates the imbalance of hormones, cramps, fertility issues, and also maintains vaginal health

      Fennel is an effective natural remedy for alleviating menopause symptoms. The phytoestrogen nature of fennel seeds is beneficial in treating menstrual symptoms and lessening abdominal cramps and hot flashes.

      Lactating mother: it improves breast milk production, can be consumed along with Shatavari

      1. For Skin – fennel seed water helps you deal with allergy issues and sunburns too. The wealth of nutrients and powerful antimicrobial properties of fennel seeds are known to work as an amazing natural remedy for skin woes.
      2. Controls appetite – if you are dealing with constant hunger, increasing weight, or you are on a diet and journey of weight loss, if you consume fennel seeds or water 30-40 min prior to meals, you tend to feel satiated and eat less, hence it controls appetite and hunger eventually helping you in your diet!
      3. Fibre Packed – 6 grams that is 1 tb spoon fennel seed gives you apprx 2 grams of fibre ( for reference any regular fruit like apple has 3-4 grms of fibre)

      – if you have loose motion or watery bowel, this fibre helps to treat it

      7.Reduces cholesterol – fennel contains dietary fiber , one cup fennel has 3 grams of fibre, which is a soluble fibre, it lowers blood cholesterol and help control blood sugar.

      8.Best Antacid : you do need to pop an acidity pill every now ad then , saunf is basic in nature, it aids to neutralise the acidity of the intestine which is hampered by poor dietary habits, lifestyle and overweight. Heartburn, regurgitation after meals can be effectively lessened by chewing a few fennel seeds soon after having food. Thus fennel makes it an important element in anti-acidity Ayurvedic formulations.

      9.Controls Blood Pressure : As per the study published in the Journal of Food Science it was disclosed that chewing saunf seeds augments the nitrite content in saliva, which works as a natural remedy to maintain the blood pressure levels. In addition, notable amounts of potassium in saunf, an important element of cells and body fluids assist in controlling acid-base balance, dilates the blood vessels, regulates heart rate and stabilizes blood pressure.

      1. Promote Eye Health; saunf seeds imbued with vitamin A and other essential nutrients can do wonders for the eyes and promotes healthy vision. It is also known to treat watery and inflamed eyes and the extracts of the seeds were used to lessen the symptoms of glaucoma. Apart from this, the richness of anethole compound increases the lens protein content and slow down the progression of cataract.
      2. Natural Gripe Water: Colic is a condition that makes babies cry inconsolably for long hours, fennel seeds are used as an aged-old remedy by our grandmothers to make natural gripe water. Fennel grape water when given to babies assists in easing the symptoms of gassiness or colic in infants.

      How much to consume in a day ??

      ideally 6 gms per day any time of the day is recommended

      – but 1-2 teaspoons a day if fine

      How to consume ?

      – Roast and eat with jaggery chunks / sugar

      – make powder out of roasted seeds

      – you can make sherbet out of it and many other recipes you can find online

      So, why wait? Embrace the power of Fennel seeds and experience the extraordinary benefits it offers. Unlock the secrets of this incredible spice and elevate your health and well-being. Remember, nature has provided us with treasures like Fennel seed, waiting to be discovered.

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