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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      Sahyadri Hospiatal Conducts 100th Liver Transplant Op - Dr. Bipin Vibhute
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      Source::Times Of India

      Sahyadri Hospiatal Conducts 100th Liver Transplant Op

      by | May 29, 2020

      About 50% of the pediatric patients who require a liver transplant have biliary atresia. Other disease states that progress to end-stage liver disease among pediatric patients and require liver transplantation include metabolic disorders and progressive intrahepatic cholestasis. Examples of metabolic derangements include Wilson disease, alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, tyrosinemia, and hemochromatosis. Other metabolic disease states leading to hepatic dysfunction include the following Crigler-Najjar syndrome Glycogenosis Hyperoxaluria Metabolic respiratory chain deficiencies Familial hypercholesterolemia Methylmalonyl aciduria


      Before liver transplant surgery

      Following referral to our program, we will schedule your child for an initial consultation with our transplant hepatologist. This initial visit helps us determine the severity of your child’s liver disease and whether a transplant is needed. We will get to know you and your child and you will get to know us. During this visit we will answer your questions and together determine the next steps for your child’s care. Once it is determined your child needs a liver transplant, the process begins with scheduling a pre-transplant evaluation. The initial evaluation typically takes about two to three days. We do our best to schedule your child’s evaluation as quickly as possible



      Before liver transplant surgery

      Following referral to our program, we will schedule your child for an initial consultation with our transplant hepatologist. This initial visit helps us determine the severity of your child’s liver disease and whether a transplant is needed. We will get to know you and your child and you will get to know us. During this visit we will answer your questions and together determine the next steps for your child’s care. Once it is determined your child needs a liver transplant, the process begins with scheduling a pre-transplant evaluation. The initial evaluation typically takes about two to three days. We do our best to schedule your child’s evaluation as quickly as possible


      Indication for Liver Transplant in Children.

      About 50% of the pediatric patients who require a liver transplant have biliary atresia. Other disease states that progress to end-stage liver disease among pediatric patients and require liver transplantation include metabolic disorders and progressive intrahepatic cholestasis. Examples of metabolic derangements include Wilson disease, alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, tyrosinemia, and hemochromatosis. Other metabolic disease states leading to hepatic dysfunction.

      About 50% of the pediatric patients who require a liver transplant have biliary atresia. Other disease states that progress to end-stage liver disease among pediatric patients and require liver transplantation include metabolic disorders and progressive intrahepatic cholestasis.

      Written By

      Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      Liver and Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon,

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