5 Must Know Things About Hepatitis A, B and C

1. The word ‘hepatitis’ means inflammation of the liver. Viral hepatitis the term ‘hepatitis refers to liver inflammation. The inflammation of the liver is caused by viral hepatitis. Hepatitis A, B, and C are the three most prevalent forms of viral hepatitis in the world.
2. Hepatitis may be caused by toxins, some medications, excessive alcohol consumption, and bacterial and viral infections.
3. Hepatitis A is spread by infected food or water with faeces. Hepatitis A has no vaccine, but the most effective ways to avoid the disease are routine childhood vaccination and at-risk adult vaccination.
4. Hepatitis B is spread between people by contact with an infected person’s blood or other bodily fluids (such as saliva, sperm, and vaginal fluid). Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for both new-borns and infants, as well as those who are at risk.
5. Hepatitis C is transmitted from person to person by direct blood-to-blood contact (i.e., sharing needles with IV drug use or having received infected blood in a blood transfusion before 1992). Since there is no cure for hepatitis C, prevention and treatment are the only options.
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