Hepatitis C – Spread by infected pricks
Hepatitis C is a virus that causes inflammation in the liver. Hepatitis C is still present, yet the patient is ignorant of it. It is only decades later that it is detectable through normal medical exams. Hepatitis C is spread via sharing needles and contaminated...
10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon | तरबूज के 10 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे | Dr. Bipin Vibhute
10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon | तरबूज के 10 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे | Dr. Bipin Vibhute In this hot summer, it is very important to hydrate ourselves for our health as we tend to lose a lot of our body fluids through sweat. Water is the best fluid to ensure hydration, as...
How pulses can help your liver?
Pulses are a rich source of multiple nutrients, having benefits such as reducing the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease and increasing a feeling of fullness and therefore helping with weight loss. Pulses are great to include in a varied, healthy diet and are...
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