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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      Dr. Bipin Vibhute, Author at Dr. Bipin Vibhute - Page 21 of 40
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      निम्बू पानी लीवर के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है ? Lemon Water Immunity Booster | Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      निम्बू पानी लीवर के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है ? Lemon Water Immunity Booster | Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      निम्बू पानी लीवर के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है ? Lemon Water Immunity Booster | Dr. Bipin Vibhute Introduction:One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C, which is 51% of the reference daily intake. Lemon is a type of citrus fruit and the fruit, juice, and peel are used to...
      What is Wilson Disease?

      What is Wilson Disease?

      Wilson disease is a hereditary condition in which the body cannot remove excess copper, resulting in a copper build-up in the liver, brain, eyes, and other organs. High copper levels, if left untreated, can result in life-threatening conditions like liver damage....
      कितना खतरनाक है कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट ? ओमायक्रोन से कैसे करें खुद की रक्षा ? Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      कितना खतरनाक है कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट ? ओमायक्रोन से कैसे करें खुद की रक्षा ? Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      कितना खतरनाक है कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट ? ओमायक्रोन से कैसे करें खुद की रक्षा ? Dr. Bipin Vibhute In this video, Liver transplant surgeon – Dr. Bipin Vibhute has discussed about what is omicron, how severe it is? and precautions to protect yourself from...
      Post-Liver Cancer Treatment Care

      Post-Liver Cancer Treatment Care

      What Happens After Liver Cancer Treatment? Your health care team will continue to monitor you after you have completed therapy. Following therapy, keep the following in mind: The importance of follow-up visits cannot be overstated. All follow-up appointments should be...

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