Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is the weakening of the valve that connects the stomach to the oesophagus. When this happens, the stomach acid flows back to the oesophagus or the food pipe. Though there are many treatments available for acid reflux, just a couple of changes in your dietary habits and lifestyle may significantly reduce your symptoms of acid reflux. Here are a couple of ways to scale back your stomach acid and relieving you of heartburn and acid reflux.
- Maintain your weight:
Maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t put pressure on your abdomen. This prevents your stomach from pushing up and causing acid to reflux into your oesophagus.
- Wait before you relax in bed after a meal:
Wait for a minimum of three to four hours after eating before you head to bed.
- Avoid Overeating:
Avoid eating large and heavy meals as acid reflux increases after meals. Also, ensure you chew your food properly and slowly. Putting down your fork after every bite could be a good way to ensure sure you eat slowly.
- Avoid food that causes reflux:
Fatty or fried foods like garlic, onion, ketchup, caffeine, mint, etc should be avoided.
- Say no to tight-fitting clothes:
Do not wear clothes that fit tightly around your waist as they put pressure on the abdomen and also the lower oesophagal sphincter.
- Elevate the head of your bed:
Try raising the top end of your bed 6 to 9 inches to elevate your body from the waist up.
- Include a low-carb diet:
Acid reflux may be caused by poor carb digestion and bacterial overgrowth within the small intestines. Including a low carb diet may be a good treatment for acid reflux.
- Avoid sleeping on your right side:
Many studies have now shown that sleeping on your right side may worsen reflux symptoms at nighttime. Resting on your left side will ensure you feel more comfortable.
- Stop Smoking
Smoking weakens the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) which and on other hand increases the reflux of the stomach’s acid.
- Say no to Alcohol
Like smoking, consumption of alcohol weakens the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) and increases the probabilities of reflux of acid.
If you inculcate all the above mentioned dietary and lifestyle changes in your daily activity be rest assured to observe positive results in your life.
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