What are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis in the initial stage won’t show any symptoms, but as time passes the damage caused to your liver will get worst, thus you may experience the following symptoms:
- Weakness and Fatigue
- Weight Loss and Lack of appetite
- Nausea
In some cases, you may bruise or bleed and experience swelling on your legs and around the belly. You can also notice some changes in your skin like:
- Jaundice(You eye and skin might turn yellow)
- Severe Itching
- Blood vessels like a spider web on your skin
- The whiteness of your nails and redness of your palms
You may also experience problems while concentrating on things or memory. Some women may also miss their periods. And some men can experience a lack of sexual drive, develop breast, or may observe shrinkage in their testicles.
Some other symptoms you might experience are:
- Blood Vomiting
- Severe muscle cramps
- Urine which is brown in color
- Enlarged spleen
- Fever
- Bone disease to cause breakage of bones more easily
The thing you should keep in mind is that you may not have all the above symptoms. Some of these symptoms can also point towards other diseases.
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