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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      4 Tips to keep your Liver Healthy - Dr. Bipin Vibhute
      • Upper Basement Sahyadri Multispeciality
        Hospital, Karve Road,Deccan Gymkhana, Pune-04
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      RED WINE is made from pit red or black grapes like: Pinot Noir. And WHITE WINE is made from Chardonnay. Of course, we feel that India may not lag behind in the consumption of alcohol, but very few people consume wine. So the rate of consumption of wine in 2016 was 24.5 million liters (ie about 24 lakh liters),
      White wine is simply formed from the juice inside the grapes, which does not contain seeds or peels, while red wine is prepared from grapes that also contain grape skins and seeds. As its pretty clear that seeds and peels of any fruit, vegetable, or other food are more nutrient- and strength-dense, as a result red wine is better for your health.


      1) POLYPHENOLS – Resveratrol –
      The main components that make red wine healthy are the antioxidants present in it called polyphenols, and one of the polyphenols that is most important is Resveratrol, these antioxidants protect us from the damage caused by pro-oxidants present in the body. RED WINE contains 7-8% more POLYPHENOLS than WHITE WINE.

      2) TANNINS –
      Tannins are present in RED WINE due to the peels of grapes, which gives it Bitterness and ASTRIGENT taste, some research have found that in the process of OXIDATION Tannins with Wine also remain in the process of oxidation in the body that means its a good anti-oxidant.

      3) Wine as PROBIOTIC –
      Wine is made by fermentation process where bacteria and yeast over-ferment the juice from grapes, but when ALCOHOLIC DRINKS are made then during fermentation SULPHITES (SULFUR DIOXIDE) which is a natural PRESERVATIVE, as they limit the bacterial growth & for this reason the wine does not spoil, but meanwhile it can kill GOOD BACTERIA as well.

      4) Risk Stroke is Reduced –
      Wine is a natural blood thinner, which is much safer than artificial blood thinners because it does not have any side effects, reservetrol found in grape peels present in it, BREAKUP BLOOD CLOTS.

      5) Brain Health –
      By preventing neurons in the brain from dying and hence brain function gets better, it helps in improving memory and alertness, hence ultimately it can keep us away from DEMENTIA and DEPRESSION or degenerative issues like PARKINSON, ALZCHEIMER.

      6) Skin and Wine –
      The most hyped about topic in red wines, FLAVANOIDS OR TANNINS present in RED WINE improve the collagen of the skin, AHA’s present in it are ANTI SEPTIC OR ANTI INFLAMMATORY which can help in keeping the skin clear.

      7) Can Aid Weight Loss –
      Red wine can help you in losing weight to some extent, due to resveratrol resveterol, WHITE FAT present in the body which is the cause of obesity can be converted into BEIGE fat, which is energy efficient and leads to weight loss.

      8) Can give you longer Life –
      The antioxidants found in red wine, resveratrol which is in the skin of the grapes, it speeds up the production of a protein called “SIRTUINS”. It works to keep our body away from AGING RELATED PROBLEMS, and for this reason it is said that red wine gives you LONGETIVITY.

      9) Helps reducing Depression –
      Some researches believe that people who drink 7 glasses of wine every day in a week have very less chances of depression, but if you are drinking more wine or alcohol then you are more likely to have depression.
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