What is drug-induced liver disease?
Drugs can harm the liver in a variety of ways. Some medications harm the liver directly, while the liver converts others into compounds that directly or indirectly damage the liver. (This may seem odd given the liver’s critical role in converting hazardous...
Bottle Gourd Juice – It’s Benefits & Adverse Effects
The bottle gourd has long been considered one of the healthiest vegetables. This multipurpose vegetable is high in water (approximately 92%) and minerals, which help to keep your body hydrated. It’s also known as Lauki or Doodhi, and it doesn’t get nearly...
5 amazing benefits of mango || आम के 5 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे || Dr. Bipin Vibhute
5 amazing benefits of mango || आम के 5 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे || Dr. Bipin Vibhute In this video, we will talk about the benefits of mango. Mango is, no doubt, an appealing and appetizing fruit. And that’s why many are so fond of it. But there is more to this juicy fruit...
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