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    Dr. Bipin B. Vibhute ,

    1st floor Sahyadri multispecialist hospital , Karve road , erabdawane deccan gym khana, Maharashtra , 411004

    Clinic Timing:10:30AM - 7:30PM | Sunday Closed

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      Dr. Bipin Vibhute, Author at Dr. Bipin Vibhute - Page 17 of 40
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      10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon | तरबूज के 10 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे | Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon | तरबूज के 10 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे | Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon | तरबूज के 10 आश्चर्यजनक फायदे | Dr. Bipin Vibhute In this hot summer, it is very important to hydrate ourselves for our health as we tend to lose a lot of our body fluids through sweat. Water is the best fluid to ensure hydration, as...
      क्या Smoking आपके Liver को खराब कर सकता है? Does smoking affect your liver? Dr Bipin Vibhute

      क्या Smoking आपके Liver को खराब कर सकता है? Does smoking affect your liver? Dr Bipin Vibhute

      क्या Smoking आपके Liver को खराब कर सकता है? Does smoking affect your liver? Dr Bipin Vibhute Smoking causes many diseases, including lung and oral cancer. But did smoking directly affects your liver too? Most people even don’t aware of it. In this video, we will learn...
      कैसे जाने आपका लिवर Stress में है? How to know your Liver is under stress? – Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      कैसे जाने आपका लिवर Stress में है? How to know your Liver is under stress? – Dr. Bipin Vibhute

      कैसे जाने आपका लिवर Stress में है? How to know your Liver is under stress? – Dr. Bipin Vibhute In this video, Dr. Bipin Vibhute has spoken about liver stress. Our liver is the body’s hardest-working but underappreciated organ. It can regenerate by itself....

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