10 FAQ on Alcohol Consumption in Women
Alcohol is one of the most addictive substances consumed worldwide. It has also been estimated that almost 3 million alcohol-related deaths are caused each year throughout the world. Over the period of time, there has been an increase in the amount of consumption of...
Historic Moment: First Ever Liver Transplant at Taluka Place (Karad) in India Dr Bipin Vibhute
Historic Moment: First Ever Liver Transplant at Taluka Place (Karad) in India Dr Bipin Vibhute Historic Moment: First Ever Liver Transplant In Karad – Taluka Place in India done by Best Liver Transplant Surgeon In India – Dr. Bipin Vibhuteमैं डॉ. बिपिन...
Is a Fibroscan Beneficial to Your Liver?
A liver biopsy is usually the gold standard for diagnosing and determining the severity of the liver disease. Other non-invasive treatments, such as the fibroscan, have become available as a result of recent technological advancements. It’s not only risk-free,...
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