The Shocking Truth About walking after eating ꠰ खाने के बाद चलने से आप बिगाड़ रहे हो- पाचन क्रिया
The Shocking Truth About walking after eating ꠰ खाने के बाद चलने से आप बिगाड़ रहे हो- पाचन क्रिया कई लोगो को लगता हैं, या उन्होंने सुना हुआ होता हैं ; इसीलिए खाने के तुरंत बाद WALKING या टहलने जाते हैं , कहते हैं डॉकटर साहब हम रोज खाने के तुरंत बाद चलते हैं या टहलते...
A Rare Surgery : For the first time in the World, In India – Dr. Bipin Vibhute
A Rare Surgery : For the first time in the World, In India – Dr. Bipin Vibhute For the First Time In The World a rare surgery is done – Successful 3 Surgeries at once, in Pune ! Saving Heart, Liver, and other Major Organs at the same time, in the same...
दही खाने के बारे में गलत धारणा || Misconceptions about eating curd – Dr Bipin
दही खाने के बारे में गलत धारणा || Misconceptions about eating curd – Dr Bipin This other Video is requested by our viewers and patients, to clear all their misconceptions and learn health benefits of curd. People have many misconceptions like We get cough cold...
Secret Health Benefits Of Curd | Dr Bipin Vibhute (Liver Surgeon)
Secret Health Benefits Of Curd | Dr Bipin Vibhute (Liver Surgeon) We all know that curd is a major part of Indian food culture, but we lack knowledge about its magical medical properties and hence we are limiting its intake day by day. Curd has the power to cure...
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