Cholestatic Liver Disease

Cholestatic liver disease happens when the bile flow from the liver is blocked or reduced, because of some defect or interference with normal bile secretion. Knowing about the disease is the key to manage it, and preventing it from spreading, which helps keep your liver healthier for extended.
Types of cholestatic disease
There are two forms of cholestatic liver disease
a. Intrahepatic Cholestasis – caused because of infection, genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, disease or drug use.
b. Extrahepatic Cholestasis – occurs because of tumours, gall stones, cysts which can restrict bile flow.
Other forms of Cholestasis Liver diseases, which can affect people of all age groups, are PBD, PSC etc. Timely diagnosis and treatment help within the end of the day.
What are the symptoms of Cholestatic Liver Disease?
Symptoms are common for both intra-hepatic cholestasis and extra-hepatic cholestasis
1. Itching
2. Pain within the abdomen
3. Jaundice
4. Fatigue
5. Dark coloured urine
6. Nausea
7. Light or whitish stool
What are the causes of Cholestatic Liver Disease?
Factors that might cause a restricted bile flow may be present either inside the liver or outside it.
1. Medications:
Anabolic steroids, antifungal drugs, amoxicillin, oral contraceptives and anti-epileptic drugs make it difficult for the liver, to metabolize and digest the medication. It’s important to tell your doctor about your past and current medications
2. Diseases:
People with Hepatitis, HIV, jaundice, autoimmune diseases, bacterial infections, genetic disorders, cancer and other medical conditions are at risk of developing cholestatic liver disease
3. Pregnancy:
Pregnancy may increase the risk of cholestatic disease amongst expecting mothers. Recent studies have revealed that 1-2% of pregnant women undergo this condition. A doctor should be consulted immediately if itching and lower abdomen issues are experienced.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Cholestatic liver disease:
The cholestatic disease can happen across all age groups. Diagnosis includes:
1. Body check-ups
2. Blood tests
3. MRI
4. Ultrasound
5. Liver biopsy
Depending on the condition of the patient and therefore the severity of the disease, the doctor decides on the most effective treatment, which can include
Surgical removal of tumours and gall bladder stones if diagnosed within the earlier stages, vitamin K may help improve the condition but in severe cases, a surgery or liver transplant could also be advised.
How to prevent Cholestatic disease?
If you’re an alcoholic, it’s advisable to quit alcohol consider getting vaccinated for Hepatitis avoids recreational intra-venous medications.
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